...which I couldn't help really (believe me : if I could have, I WOULD have !).
I fell seriously ill when recovering from a small procedure in hospital and was brought to the hospital by ambulance, to stay their for weeks (most of them I slept and I don't remember much of it). My wife and family tell me it was a close call, but I'm better now (and back at home). It took me some time to be able to climb the stairs again (our computer is up on the first floor), which is why it remained silent for long...
Thanks to all of you who still keep visiting this blog though. I'll try to start posting again as from this week...
See you !
Het jaar 2024
We zwaaien vandaag 2024 uit. Het was een lastig jaar waarin ik door mijn
hartfalen nog verder achteruit ging. Daardoor slaagde ik er vanaf augustus
2 months ago