Zelig : it's been ages since I've seen this Woody Allen movie, and I don't think I've seen all of it EVER !
Today I noticed they had it in our public library. I hope I'll be able to get it there one of these days and watch it completely.
Which reminds me : anyone ever seen "In the company of men" ? It's a grim sort of movie about two male colleagues being chauvinist pigs (they play this game trying to seduce an "easy prey" at work) that has a strange twist in the end.
And here's my last movie tip : All over me. It's about two young girls, one of which is a lesbian, who has to choose between friendship and justice. I've discovered Patti Smith's "Pissin' in a river" through this movie and my eyes always get wet with tears whenever I hear that mix of anger and pain in the song.
Het jaar 2024
We zwaaien vandaag 2024 uit. Het was een lastig jaar waarin ik door mijn
hartfalen nog verder achteruit ging. Daardoor slaagde ik er vanaf augustus
2 months ago