

In 1994, I saw Sepultura at the Rock Torhout festival and I was pretty impressed. The band was still firmly led by Max and Igor Cavalera, and I had been listening to their album Chaos A.D. for several weeks. I wasn't into metal or anything (most certainly not back then), but I really felt this band had found a way to have the chemistry work between Brasilian rhythms and heavy metal guitars. Their next album, Roots, explored that strange mixture even further, and the band cooperated with some native Brasilian tribe. Until today, I still think those two albums are among the best metal albums ever !

Enjoy these songs :

From Chaos A.D. :
  • Refuse resist (mp3)
  • Territory (mp3)

From Roots :

  • Ratamahatta (mp3)

You can buy the albums here

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